Students develop the techniques of creating, performing and evaluating their own work as well as exploring the works of others. They will study a variety of plays from a practical perspective, developing confidence alongside their acting and directing skills. They will also watch a range of live productions, discovering different ways to communicate with an audience.
Course Outline:
Students develop the techniques introduced in Year 9 of creating, performing, evaluating and reviewing all aspects of drama and theatre. They will study a variety of plays from a practical perspective, developing confidence alongside their acting and directing skills. They will also watch a range of productions, discovering different ways to communicate with an audience. The course allows imaginative students with an interest in theatre to explore ideas physically and also to develop their written analysis through the coursework reports and evaluations.
Drama is one of the few opportunities students have to work collaboratively and to develop their skills of leadership and negotiation.
Component 1: Devising Theatre
Non-exam assessment: internally assessed, externally moderated. 40% of qualification.
Learners will be assessed on either acting or design
Learners participate in the creation and performance of a piece of devised theatre and must produce:
- a realisation of their piece of theatre
- a portfolio of supporting evidence
- an evaluation of the final performance
Component 2: Performing from a Text
Non-exam assessment: externally assessed by a visiting examiner. 20% of qualification.
Learners will be assessed on either acting or design
Learners study two extracts from the same performance text chosen by the centre.
Learners participate in one performance using sections of text from both extracts.
Component 3: Interpreting Theatre
Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes. 40% of qualification.
Section A: Set Text
A series of questions on one set text from a choice of five.
Section B: Live Theatre Review
One question from a choice of two, requiring analysis and evaluation of a given aspect of a live theatre production seen during the course.
A level
Why study Drama and Theatre?
This course will suit those students with an arts leaning. They should have the desire to study the development of theatre and its practitioners as well as wanting to produce their own performances. It is also an enjoyable, academic option providing breadth to Sixth Form studies. Drama and Theatre students would be well equipped to follow degree courses in drama, performing arts, English, journalism/media studies, stage-management and arts management.
In addition to fostering creative and critical skills, Drama and Theatre also increases confidence and leadership skills, along with training in team work. Recent A level students have gone on to do subjects ranging from Drama to Medicine and Law.
Drama and Theatre trains students to develop:
- Competence in applied practical skills both as an individual and within a group
- An appreciation of a play from an actor’s and director’s viewpoint through the analysis of a variety of texts
- Knowledge of theatrical influences, conventions and styles related to the development of theatre and its relationship with society
- An appreciation of the contribution of selected practitioners to theatrical development
- A critical response to live performances.
Experiencing live performances is a vital part of the course and there will be ample opportunity to see a range of plays and productions. Students can also help with the running of the many drama department events staged throughout the year, giving them valuable “backstage” insight and experience and something interesting to add to their CVs.
Head of Department: Mr P Griffin
Course content
Board: Edexcel A level Syllabus NQF Code: 601/8302/0
Devising (9DR0/01) 40%
Students will devise an original performance piece using one key extract from a performance text and a theatre practitioner as stimuli. Performer or designer routes are available.
Text in Performance (9DR0/02) 20%
Students will take part in a group performance of one key extract from a performance text. They will also perform a monologue/duologue or present a design realisation from one key extract from a different performance text.
Theatre Makers in Practice (9DR0/03) 40%
A written examination comprising:
- A live theatre evaluation
- The practical exploration and study of a complete performance text focusing on how this can be realised in performance
- The practical exploration and interpretation of another performance text in light of a chosen theatre
practitioner and focusing on how this text could be reimagined for a contemporary audience.
Method of assessment
- Internally assessed and externally moderated. There are two parts to the assessment
- A 3,000 word portfolio
- The devised performance/design realisation
Text in Performance
Externally assessed by a visiting examiner
Theatre Makers in Practice
Written examination: 2 hours 30 minutes
Beyond Monmouth School for Boys
Students who have taken drama have moved on to several different arts based courses including: Drama and the Performing Arts; Acting; Dance; Film Studies; Music Technology; English; Journalism/Media, Creative-Writing; Stage-Management and Arts Administration. We have also seen a considerable number of our Drama students over the years pursue courses in Medicine, Law, Modern languages, Economics, International Relations and History amongst others.
Many students have also continued their dramatic endeavours in such universities as UCL; Bristol; Exeter; Durham; York and Liverpool.