Girls in Years 9 and 10 share study bedrooms in doubles or triples. All of the rooms are spacious and comfortably furnished and the girls are encouraged to personalise their own spaces with photos of their families, pets, favourite pop groups and fairy lights. From 18.30 – 20.00 the girls complete supervised evening prep in house, using the computer suite, common rooms or their own bedrooms. Girls in Year 11 either share a study bedroom in a double or have their own single room and are granted a greater freedom for their academic studies. They may choose to work quietly in their bedrooms during prep time or may elect to work in a more structured environment with a member of staff. Each year group has their own common room, equipped with plasma television, DVD players and Nintendo Wii consoles. There is also a library and a computer suite exclusively for boarders’ use, as well as a fully equipped kitchen, which the girls use for baking cakes and preparing meals.
Twiston Davies is a happy, vibrant and busy community, bringing together students from all over the UK; Forces families; UK Overseas and girls from Hong Kong, Nigeria, Russia, America, Germany, Spain, Japan, Dubai, UAE and Bangladesh.
Twiston Davies has its own team of prefects including a Head of House and Deputy, as well as a dedicated group of girls known as the ‘TD Team’ who take responsibility for organising Food and House forums as well as house activities.
Living in TD