Pupils receive individual careers guidance, as well as participating in a comprehensive Careers Education Programme. The Careers Department supports students throughout their post-16 decision-making process. This includes advice about subjects and university selection, apprenticeships and taking a Gap Year.
Our Head of Careers, assisted by form tutors and staff, have built up specialist knowledge in particular areas, including Oxbridge. All pupils have access to Careers advice, as well as open access to the Careers Library, with its wealth of paper-based and internet resources, providing relevant information on higher education, Gap Years and specific careers.
The Careers Education Programme
Our extensive programme includes workshops on various career areas, with visiting speakers, throughout the year. Pupils are also encouraged to participate in careers experience courses which are organised by Inspiring Futures and other organisations. Additional topics covered within the Programme include:
- Work experience and community work
- Researching degree courses and the UCAS applications system
- Preparation for student life
- Overseas universities
- Gap Year opportunities
- Apprenticeships and Degree Apprenticeships
- CV writing
- Skills for employment – including interview techniques, mock interviews
- Morrisby Psychometric Assessment
Plus, in the summer term of Year 12, a series of talks and information days are organised to help guide students with their university and post-A level decision-making. An annual Careers Convention is also organised jointly with Monmouth School for Boys.