
We are proud to be the home for Haberdashers' Monmouth School of Dance: Dance 4 Life, which adopts a nurturing and supportive ‘Dance for All’ ethos: all-inclusive for boys and girls but with opportunities for excellence.

Our unique and holistic approach is based on the intrinsic values of movement and dance pivotal to Rudolf Laban’s creative process. combining physical and psychological well-being; connecting mind to body. 

We don’t just teach dance – we also educate. We aim to enhance both the physical and mental well-being of our students through dance’s intrinsic benefits. We promote self-esteem, confidence, cooperation, collaboration, discipline, focus and determination.

There are a number of genres you can choose to learn, including Tap, Ballet, Freestyle, Contemporary and Modern styles.

You can choose to learn dance for fun or take advantage of the many opportunities on offer, including examinations and awards with the IDTA shows, workshops, summer school and a breadth of other creative performance projects.