At Monmouth, we inspire students through outstanding teaching and nurture a life-long passion for their subjects and wider interests.
For entry into Monmouth Schools Sixth Form, we expect students to have at least five A*-B or 9-6 grades at GCSE, and preferably high grades in the subjects they will study at A level. 15% of our Sixth Form students are new to Monmouth and for all of our students, the new structure creates a dynamic and distinctive learning environment.
We offer 27 A level subjects. We support and guide our students to make the subject choices which are best suited to their individual academic strengths as well as their future university and career plans. We are proud of the value we add to A level grades, which are regularly over 75% A* to B.
The majority of universities make offers based on three A levels. Most of our students study three A levels, some four, and all students have the option of undertaking the highly regarded Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).
Each student has a personal tutor who develops an in-depth knowledge of their interests, strengths and talents. The tutors closely monitor and support each individual’s academic and personal development. We value the open lines of communication between students, parents and staff.
Our teachers are experienced in delivering co-educational lessons and appreciate the different contributions girls and boys make. They encourage an exchange of ideas and an approach which will benefit each student when they move on to university and future careers.