The Grange boys have been busy celebrating World Book Day and have taken part in exciting competitions. In addition, they have been browsing the shelves of a book fair which is a fantastic opportunity to explore new authors and exciting titles.
The boys enjoyed dressing up as their favourite children’s book character. It was brilliant to see an array of children’s fictional characters in the playground! Well done for all the hard work and imagination behind the costumes!
PI – Dylan as Gangsta Granny
PII – William as the Tin Man (The Wizard of Oz)
PIII – Max as Sherlock Holmes
PIV – Alex, Hamish and Joe as Albert and Joey (War Horse)
A large number of boys entered the Design a Book Cover Competition. The task was made even more challenging as they were asked to make up a title containing a ‘Word of the Week’ from this academic year and create an interesting and eye-catching front cover to suit their title.
PI – The Gargantuan Apple by Oliver
PII – Aspiring to be an Astronomical Astronaut by Theo
PIII – The Gargantuan Giant by Eoin