Work Experience Visit to Koblenz

November 4, 2015

During the first week of half-term a group of Sixth Form students of German from HMSG and Monmouth School went to Koblenz to participate in a work experience scheme.

AwBased on students’ preferences, placements ranged from working in a law firm to creative work in a florist’s. Laboratory technician work, placements in hotels and restaurants, a fitness suite and a veterinary practice were also experienced.

The visit was extremely valuable; students were immersed in the language at a high level, so their listening and speaking benefitted. In terms of personal development, greater confidence was gained, as pupils negotiated the transport system to travel to and from their placement every day. Additionally, the adaptability required to fit into an unfamiliar working environment and routine cannot be underestimated.

Fortunately, there was time for some rest and relaxation in the evening, including visits to the cinema (no subtitles!), bowling and to traditional German restaurants.

All twenty students successfully completed their placement and should feel justifiably proud of their achievement.

HKS October 2015