Habs-Sachs Club

February 8, 2017

This school year a different kind of co-curricular activity has been offered to pupils at HMSG. The “Habs-Sachs-Club” is run by our German Assistant, Stephan Klein, who was recently appointed a UK-German Connection ambassador.  His German club gives a group of girls from Year 8 the unique opportunity to get in contact with German students from the same age group. Our partner school is in Auerbach, Sachsen (Saxonia) in Eastern Germany. Every Wednesday lunchtime they get together to use their German in a context which goes beyond their school books. 

The project, which is funded by UK-German connection (description see below), wants to enhance cultural understanding and strengthen the ties between young people from both countries. The overall topic is “National Identity of Wales and Germany”. It is approached through a variety of sub-topics, e.g. food, festivals, sports and history.  For each topic iconic items that are part of each country’s culture and identity are exchanged. So far, the girls have introduced themselves by writing letters and recording a small video. Both groups have exchanged mind-maps on the foods primarily eaten in their country and commented on the importance of ‘traditional food’ such as  roast dinner or fish and chips. We are about to receive a parcel with typical German sweets and a recipe for ‘Reibekuchen’ which we are going to prepare.

The girls are very enthusiastic about any news from their German partners and are really embracing the opportunity, which is great to see.


UK-German Connection is a bilateral government initiative for school and youth links. It offers funding for schools and youth groups to carry out joint UK-German projects, as well as a range of bilateral programmes, trips, seminars and ambassador networks. It also provides a dedicated school linking service and offers information and advice on UK-German activities. UK-German Connection opportunities are open to the primary, secondary and FE sectors as well as youth groups, and focus on cross-curricular, thematic involvement.
