Budding engineer secures course place at Oxford

March 15, 2022

A budding engineer at Monmouth School for Girls has secured her place on a course at the University of Oxford next month.
Year 10 pupil, Yusra, will be discovering what it’s like to be an engineer and get a glimpse into university life.
Yusra enjoys Physics and Maths and has successfully applied to take part in the Uncover Engineering – Summer School for girls.
Uncover Engineering is a residential course and will involve hands-on workshops across a range of engineering disciplines, running from 10th to 13th April.
“I really enjoy Physics and Maths at school and I am also a member of the Computing club; I like the problem-solving aspects of engineering,” she said.
Yusra enjoys reading the New Scientist magazine and news articles on science.
She is particularly interested in the area of engineering that relates to the pressure in planes.
Her favourite mathematician is Srinivasa Ramanujan, an Indian who lived during the British Rule in India.
During the course, Yusra will be staying at St Hugh’s College and attending classes at the Department of Engineering Science.
She will be taking part in a host of activities, ranging from programming robots to creating and testing packaging for breakable items.
Uncover Engineering has been made possible by financial support from the Waste Environmental Education Research Trust.